Brunch, To Go

Honey, Cinnamon & Banana Norwegian Porridge


Cost per serving69p

Cost breakdown

Cost per serving:* 69p
Sell Price £2.99
% Profit 72%
Cash Profit £1.80
Ingredients makes 1 portion


  • Trophy Pudding Rice 2kg
    M205516 50g

  • Fresh Semi Skimmed Milk 2ltr
    M212311 175ml

  • T&L Granulated Sugar 2kg
    M149157 1 tbsp

  • Lakeland Salted Butter 250g
    M126113 knob

  • CL Ground Cinnamon 430g
    M129659 pinch

  • CL Clear Honey Tub 1kg
    M135825 1 tbsp

  • FF Banana PM 5s
    M181219 1/2 banana

  • 12oz Soup Pot Lid Compostabl 25pk
    M240203 1 pot

  • Edenware Wooden Dessert Spn 100pk
    M245097 1 spoon

  • Compost Me Brown Rec Napkins 500pk
    M129847 1 napkin

Login to shop ingredients


  1. 1

    Just cover the rice with cold water, bring to the boil & simmer for 10 mins or until all the water is absorbed

  2. 2

    Add warmed milk in 3 lots approximately 10 mins apart stirirng each time & then cooking until absorbed

  3. 3

    Once cooked to a creamy consistency, stir in the butter, sugar & cinnamon

  4. 4

    Serve in a pot with sliced banana & drizzled with honey

*Costings are estimated for illustration purposes and are subject to change, but are correct at the time of printing. Alcohol serves subject to local legislation.