Breakfast, To Go

The Best' Breakfast Butty


Cost per serving£1.97

Cost breakdown

Cost per serving:* £1.97
Sell Price £6.99
% Profit 66%
Cash Profit £3.86
Ingredients makes 1 portion


  • St P Brioche Burger Buns 6s
    M205316 1 bun

  • BGS Prem Trad Pork Sausage 1.2kg
    M224373 2 sausages

  • CLP U/S Danish T/Cut Bacon 2kg
    M115366 2 rashers

  • CL Hash Browns 1.36kg
    M197005 1 hash brown

  • CL Medium Eggs 1x60s
    M168772 1 egg

  • CE Mild White Grated 2kg
    M153117 20g

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  1. 1

    Cook the sausages for 15-20 mins until fully cooked through

  2. 2

    Grill or pan fry the bacon until cooked & the fat is starting to crisp

  3. 3

    Deep fry the hash browns in hot oil for 5 mins

  4. 4

    Fry the egg in a ring in a little hot oil until the white is fully cooked & the yolk becomes translucent

  5. 5

    Split the bun & toast both the insides

  6. 6

    Split the sausage & place on the bottom bun, top with the bacon & then the hash brown

  7. 7

    Put on the grated cheese

  8. 8

    Flash under the grill for a minute or two to melt the cheese

  9. 9

    Top with the fried egg, the bun lid & serve

*Costings are estimated for illustration purposes and are subject to change, but are correct at the time of printing. Alcohol serves subject to local legislation.