Voucher available at your local Booker/Makro store at the end of every quarter to spend.
Scan your Booker/Makro Card when you shop for your business at Tesco
Collect & Spend your Voucher at your local Booker/Makro branch
Can I use my existing Booker/Makro card?
Yes, as long as the card has a barcode on the reverse.
How do I get another Booker/Makro card?
Additional cards can be requested by visiting your local Booker/Makro.
Can I use my Booker/Makro card when shopping on line at Tesco.com?
No, the Booker card can only be used in Tesco stores.
Can I use Scan as you shop in Tesco?
Yes, just scan your card & follow the instructions on the terminal.
Can I purchase any products in Tesco?
Yes, but there are certain products & departments that do not qualify for the 3% cashback voucher. Please refer to Booker.co.uk for the full list of exclusions.
What happens if I buy a Clubcard Prices product in Tesco?
You can use your Booker/Makro card to earn the promotional price. The saving you have made will be added automatically to your rebate.
Are my details shared with Tesco?
No, Tesco are not able to view any customer data given to Booker.
Where can Booker/Makro cards be used?
Cards can be used in Tesco UK stores, exclusions are One Stop, Jack's & Tesco Ireland.
Can I use my Clubcard & Booker/Makro card?
No, only one card will be accepted & cannot be amended at a later date.
How do I view my Tesco spend & 3% cashback?
Log in to Booker.co.uk, visit your accounts section & click on Spend & Save.
How can I redeem my Cashback Voucher?
You can redeem your voucher once the value of the voucher reaches £5.00. There are 2 ways to redeem:-
1. Use the voucher to pay off that days shopping. 2. Pay off an outstanding credit balance if applicable.
What happens if my rebate is below £5.00?
Your balance will roll-over until your cashback voucher reaches a value of £5.00.
How often will I receive a Cashback Voucher?
Vouchers over £5 in value will be issued at your local Booker/Makro 4 times per year - June, September, December & March.
Can I redeem my Cashback Voucher in a Tesco?
No, Vouchers are only redeemable in your local Booker/Makro.
How long do the Cashback Vouchers last?
Customers have 12 weeks to redeem the vouchers before expiry
It is so convenient being able to use my Booker card at Tesco and earning 3% cashback voucher on my spend is a fantastic benefit.
Ask for more details at your local Booker or email: feedback@Booker.co.uk